The exchange of opinions, ideas and concepts, as well as the promoting of cooperation and of a joint network can only be achieved through a large number of strong partners.

Anton Paar ProveTec GmbH, a Anton Paar Group company, develops and produces high-precision measuring instruments for the petro and petrochemical industry. With these products, ProveTec supports its customers in efficiently and safely processing their valuable raw materials and producing high-quality products.

The Association of German Engineers represents engineers and the field of technology. It has 150,000 members from all over Germany and therefore it is the largest association in the field of technology and natural sciences in Europe. The Regional Association (“Bezirksverein”) Berlin-Brandenburg is one of 45 Regional Associations that form the overall association VDI; within its region it provides support for its more than 6,000 members and all persons interested in technology.

The company BASF Schwarzheide GmbH, which has a production facility in Lusatia, forms part of the BASF Group. The portfolio of the company encompasses, among other things, engineering plastics, foam materials, dispersions and Laromer products. Businesses that have settled in the region benefit from the varied synergy effects of a modern chemistry location and, at the same time, from the expertise of BASF and its network.
At BIOPLANTIC, we Innovate bio-based and biodegradable materials as alternatives to plastics and similar non-sustainable materials, to help in reducing environmental footprint. These materials are customized for specific applications and improved performance, using an Artificial Intelligence and machine learning-based approach.

A successful main research topic at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg is lightweight design. The team of the Chair of Lightweight Design deals with structured materials, the development of energy-efficient lightweight design solutions and related production technologies along the entire value chain.

DENSO is a €44 billion global mobility supplier that develops advanced technology and components for nearly every vehicle make and model on the road today. With manufacturing at its core, DENSO invests in its 211 facilities in 35 countries (170,000 associates worldwide and 17,000 in Europe ) to produce thermal, powertrain, mobility, electrification, and electronic systems, to create jobs that are changing the way the world moves.

With about 2,200 students and 61 professors*, the HNEE is the smallest university in Brandenburg. Sustainable development is the maxim for action and is consistently implemented in all areas of the university - in teaching, research, operations and transfer - and further developed in a participatory manner.

Der 1996 gegründete Chemikalienhandel GREIBO – Chemie mit Firmensitz in Velten entwickelt sich seit 20 Jahren kontinuierlich weiter. GREIBO ist mit Gerberei-Chemikalien in Asien vertreten. Das Unternehmen liefert in der EU Entschäumer für technische Prozesse und Kühlschmierstoffe für die metallverarbeitende Industrie. GREIBO ist im Cluster vernetzt und setzt auf Kooperationen mit Universitäten und institutionellen Forschungseinrichtungen.

The institute for thin-film technologies and microsensors IDM conducts research in the areas of organic and polymer chemistry. The IDM develops innovative materials for micro-lithography, sensors and other optical applications; but it also develops speciality chemicals and reference materials for toxicological analyses.

The research conducted by the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy focuses on the quality and safety of food. Process chains of fresh products or products that have been processed just to a small degree take centre stage – these products are mainly fruits and vegetables as well as insects as an alternative bioresource.

Lubosch Engineering GmbH helps with the design of complex production and logistics systems e.g. through self-developed software based on machine learning. In addition, Lubosch Engineering GmbH supports in the areas of corporate development and designs technical products, especially for lightweight construction. Particular attention is paid to a design that is suitable for production and economical production.

The LXP Group headquartered in Marienwerder uses its LX process for solubilising 2G biomass without producing inhibitors. The process can – without any problems – be used for the production of bioethanol. The integration of the LX technology will make the production of, for example, 1,4-butanediol, succinic acid, acrylic acid and adipic acid from 2G biomass (e.g. straw) possible as well. The by-product produced during the process is highly purified and pristine lignin, which can be used for a wide variety of interesting applications.

The plastics and rubber processing company Motzener Kunststoff- und Gummiverarbeitung GmbH is famous for its high quality, technical injection moulding parts and components made from thermoplastic raw materials and elastomers. Among our areas of expertise rank mainly O-rings with a diameter of up to 1,500 mm as well as composite moulding parts made from plastics and natural rubber.

The chemistry sector and pharmaceutical sector in East Germany count more than 58,000 employees. NORDOSTCHEMIE is the economic and socio-political representation of interests of its over 300 member businesses. NORDOSTCHEMIE encompasses the employers’ association Arbeitgeberverband Nordostchemie, the chemical industry association Verband der Chemischen Industrie, the association of the north-eastern region Landesverband Nordost and its professional associations.

ORAFOL is a specialist in the finishing of plastics with a strong focus on research and development. The range of solutions includes graphic products for all areas of application in the graphic industry, retroreflective films, industrial adhesive tapes and structured optical components.

The PAS Group with its main headquarter in Neuruppin is one of the internationally leading manufacturers and developers in the field of household appliances. PAS provides tailored system solutions for the manufacturers of large household appliances (such as washing machines). The company was founded in 1992 and today it has 12 locations worldwide employing 4,000 persons.

The company Qualifizierungsförderwerk Chemie GmbH is an internationally active project and a qualifications agency. It is a subsidiary of the Industrial Union for Mining, Chemistry, Energy (“Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie”) and its work is centred around activities that foster societal and social participation. Its focus areas are initial training, promoting employee training, competences in European affairs and transfer management. Its educational work is in line with quality standards and supports companies in securing their business locations and their regional development.

The company resintec GmbH is a service company for the electrical and automotive industries. It produces high-quality cast resin and silicone products. Following specific customer requests, the company assembles and packages end products and components while it also manufactures components.

The Digital Business Association Berlin-Brandenburg is the interest group for companies in the field IT and Internet economy in Berlin and Brandenburg. It connects important players of the sector and represents their interests in politics and society, but it also promotes an active interaction with user companies of all the other sectors in the region.

SunCoal develops processes for the manufacturing of high-value carbon products and bio-based platform chemicals as well as technical solutions for the dewatering of industrial sludge and the production of biofuels. In order to do so, the company runs an HTC Pilot Plant as well as an Engineering and Development Department with an attached laboratory.

The Institute for Materials, Development and Production at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau pools expertise in the areas of automation technology, innovation and regional research, surface technology/nanotechnology/material analysis, machine dynamics and acoustics, microsystems technology and high-performance materials with a main emphasis on research and development.