Strong locations
Plastics and chemistry locations are seeds from which value chain-related networks of customer and user industries grow and it’s those seeds that enlarge and strengthen existing value chains in the region.
Additionally, within their respective subject areas, the production locations benefit from collaborations with higher education institutions and scientific institutes. A focused and targeted further development of suited locations in Brandenburg preserves the international competitiveness of the region – also in the long run. Therefore, the field of action displays the unique characteristics of the locations and develops measures aimed at improving the framework conditions for investors and for the continual fostering of the image of the locations.
All of the above forms the basis for the location marketing that focuses on the target groups and for the creation of competence networks in the region, which, in turn, intensifies cooperation between businesses and research institutes as well as funding institutions. Collaborations across fields of action, such as, for example, with the field of action “Logistics”, will sustainably improve the conditions for the further development of the locations.
Industrial Park Schwarze Pumpe | ISP
The Competence Centre Industrial Water represents a special component of the location: in the framework of cross-cluster project development, project support and project implementation in the areas of research, development and innovation, this is where particular competences are pooled. The Industrial Park Schwarze Pumpe | ISP (German website) boasts cutting-edge technologies and many years of experience in the areas of water supply and wastewater disposal.
During their production and development work, already more than 120 businesses with around 4,400 employees within the ISP jointly benefit from cooperation opportunities and the potential for synergies that emerge from the close proximity to many other innovative businesses. The entrepreneurial landscape is being coined by the largest employer at the location, namely the energy company Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG (LEAG), which is also a driving force behind innovation and cooperation within the ISP.
Another huge advantage of the location is its proximity to the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, which sees itself as a research-intensive and strongly application-oriented university.
Chemical Park Schwarzheide
The Chemical Park Schwarzheide is special because it is connected to the rail network of the Deutsche Bahn. A highly effective intermodal transport terminal of the company STR Tank-Container-Reinigung enables the smooth transition between rail transport and road transportation and vice versa. Schwarzheide also serves as the logistics hub through which raw materials and goods pass on their way from the North Sea to the Black Sea as well as from the Iberian Peninsula to Asia. This, in turn, benefits companies such as Feurer Febra, Proseat Schwarzheide or Ineos Styrolution Schwarzheide.
BASF Schwarzheide (Link to German website) sustainably advances the region and also takes on social responsibility. Through, for example, the professional training it offers or by attracting new companies to the location, BASF Schwarzheide is a company that defines the structure of the region and contributes to a positive development of its surrounding areas. Scientific institutions are located in its close proximity; among them ranks also the company’s next-door neighbour: the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg.
The Fraunhofer Processing Pilot Plant for Biopolymers Schwarzheide is a branch of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research in Potsdam-Golm and it was established as a potent research and development unit with a strong industrial and practical orientation; it supports small and medium-sized enterprises and thereby makes it easier for bio-based plastics to access the market. The joint appointment of the Director of the Processing Pilot Plant by the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg strengthens the plant’s cooperation with the local higher education institution and contributes to the recruitment of young talents in the area of plastics processing.
Industrial Park Schwedt | IPS
The Industrial Park Schwedt is located in a strategically advantageous place in the north-eastern part of the economic region Berlin-Brandenburg on the axis Berlin-Szczecin directly at the Polish border. This is the ideal point of departure to the Eastern and Central European markets as well as to Scandinavia and the Baltic region. The Industrial Park is a next-door neighbour of PCK Raffinerie and it is one of the largest industrial areas of Brandenburg. The petrochemical industry is at home here.
The northern part of Brandenburg is turning into a leading region in the fields of renewable energy and renewable raw materials; especially in the areas of photovoltaics, wind energy, biogas and biofuels. A bioethanol plant, a biodiesel plant and a wood pelleting plant have already commenced production. This facilitates the development of potential synergies.
The PCK Raffinerie uses biofuels for its production. The production of 2nd generation biogenic fuels provides interesting and innovative directions for further advancements. The prerequisite of a continual availability of biomass from agricultural production is guaranteed in this region. Opportunities for the development of new products arise where traditional industry, agriculture and forestry meet.
Due to its farmland, North-East Germany has a huge potential with regard to the production of biomass. Furthermore, relations with business partners in Poland open up additional opportunities for using new areas for the production of biomass. Another advantage in the field of biogenic raw materials lies in the long-lasting and successful cooperative relations with the University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde.
Industrial Park Guben
Along the traditional company Trevira other businesses, such as the Polish Grupa Azoty ATT Polymers and Megaflex Schaumstoff, rank among the important employers at the location Guben. The yarn specialties produced by Trevira are being used for the interior design of cars. The applications of these filaments are being continually expanded through cooperation with external networks of institutions and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg.
One result of the development work carried out by Trevira: bi-component filaments that can be used, among other things, for the production of three-dimensional sound-absorbing surfaces, which, in turn, can be used, for example, in the field of sun protection or for wall panels, and they are suited for digital printing. The yarns that are being used for these products are furthermore also available as a permanently low-flammable variety.
Industrial Park Premnitz
Premnitz owes its reputation of being an industrial location to the development of synthetic fibres. The Industrial Park Premnitz (Link to German website) offers excellent conditions for businesses from the chemical sector, predominantly through its state-of-the-art technical infrastructure and the local innovative business community.
The fibre producing company Märkische Faser still produces in Premnitz. Alongside this traditional business, two businesses of the Blücher Group are also located in the industrial park: Adsor-Tech and SmarTex – both are active in the field of high-performance materials and fibres. Additionally, DOMO Engineering Plastics and the plastics recycling company Vogt-Plastics from south Germany also have branches in Premnitz.
Industrial Region Neuruppin
Neuruppin (Link to German website) as a Regional Growth Area offers a high-performance economic infrastructure. The industrial and business park Neuruppin-Treskow and the Temnitzpark are located here and offer optimal conditions for innovations and collaborations.
Regional market leaders and global players from the plastics sector have already settled in Neuruppin. Along the company PAS Germany, the leading developer and manufacturer of cable and panel systems for household appliances, the companies Ruppiner Papier-und Folienwerke, REA Plastik Tech, ESE Industrie as well as Atotech have their business locations in this industrial region.
One huge advantage of the region resides in the availability of skilled employees. Furthermore, innovations play a vital role: PAS Germany has repeatedly been awarded “Brandenburg’s Innovation Award Plastics and Chemistry” in the course of the past years.
Technology Region Wildau
Wildau is a city with an industrial tradition that spans more than 100 years. Since the 50s Wildau has also become a training and research location. The Aerospace Technology Centre (ATC) is now located at the former construction site for heavy machinery, which is a location that boasts attractive halls and office spaces and which is located amidst innovative high-tech companies and start-ups. The Technical University of Applied Sciences and the Technology and Start-ups Centre (“Technologie- und Gründerzentrum”, abbreviated TGZ) are also located in this region. The TGZ offers attractive opportunities for start-ups, technology companies and research institutes.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research with its research field “Polymer Materials” and “Composite PYCO” and the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau represent important factors that businesses settling in the region take into account; these factors will be further accentuated through the future “Competence Centre for Energy and Resource Efficient Lightweight Design and Composite Materials”.
More than 60 businesses have already settled in Wildau, which, in particular, focuses on lightweight design technologies. These companies will work closely together with predominantly technology-oriented research institutes in order to dynamically advance this location.
The “Centre for Future Technologies” (“Zentrum für Zukunftstechnologien”, abbreviated ZFZ) will be a next-door neighbour of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau and located within walking distance of the ATC. The four-storey building complex covering an area of about 7,000 m² will encompass office and workshop spaces as well as halls and should be completed in 2020.