Training, retaining and recruiting skilled employees
Practice-oriented | Skilled workers are the most valuable asset companies, higher education institutions and extramural institutions have. In the light of the existing lack of skilled workers and of the advancing technological progress there is a need to foster MINT subjects early on.
In order to guarantee that the plastics and chemistry sector remains competitive and fit for the future, the Cluster relies on these focus areas:
- Career and study guidance with regard to MINT subjects
- Boosting the industry’s image
- Widening activities in the area of education and raising the quality of training
- Making use of dual study programmes
Recruiting skilled employees and retaining them in the company
- Further education and qualifications
- Transfer of knowledge
- Good employment and changes in the field of labour
Activities in the Cluster
- TuWaS! in Brandenburg | (eng.: “DoSomething! in Brandenburg”) Aims at making pupils (grades 1 to 6) interested in MINT subjects
- Kunos Coole Kunststoffkiste | (eng.: “Kunos’ Cool Plastics Box”) Uses experiments to introduce primary school children to the topic of “plastics”
- Science on Tour | Gives pupils the opportunity to work with laboratory-grade teaching and research equipment provided by the Brandenburg University of Technology
- Students on Tour | Companies meet their future skilled employees
- Profs on Tour | Economy meets science
- Baekeland Preis | (eng.: “Baekeland Award”) In support of dual training in Brandenburg
- JOBSTARTERplus der TÜV Rheinland Akademie GmbH | Coaching for companies (that allows them to take on trainees) and mediating of suitable trainees
- Sector dialogues for creating networks